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The RAIN WORKERs, Association for International Cooperation, Educational NGO for Women's Empowerment

Mariahilfer Straße 101/1/25, 1060 Wien, Austria
Tel: +43 1 720 66 20
Email: , Web:

Register of associations

ZVR-Nr: 463241442 Regional Police Headquarters Vienna


Read the current statutes of the version (in German): September 2020

Purpose of the Association

The core activity of The RAIN WORKERs is to empower people in partner countries by providing knowledge on family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). This educational program is called “Knowledge as a Chance”.

Self-determination over one's own body, self-responsible sexual behavior and sustainable family and life planning are the result. Derived from our work of training multipliers to disseminate SRHR knowledge, we see ourselves as an educational NGO for women's empowerment wherever we are active, in the Global South as well as in the Global North.

Through our activities, we build a perpetuating empowerment cycle: Empowered women lead to sustainable families - this strengthens the whole society and leads to healthy change. Our slogan is: “Let Women Rise!”

Board Members

Ing. Friedrich Kopitar, interimistischer Präsident
Mag Joachim Frank, Kassier
Mag.a Dagmar Ransmayr, Schriftführerin med. Jutta Reisinger
Martin Wesian, MSC.
Katharina Zlattinger, MA MA

Operational Management Ines Kohl, Executive Director

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