
Train-the-Trainer Training, 2024

Familienplanung ist DAS Querschnittsthema aller Themen der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit und DER Hebel zur Armutsbekämpfung. Gleichzeitig ist Familienplanung der Schlüssel zum Empowerment Frauen, damit sie ein selbstbestimmtes Leben führen können! Deshalb ermutigen wir NGOs und Expert*innen, Wissen über Familienplanung an ihre Zielgruppen und in ihren Projekten weiterzugeben.
Aktuell, zwischen 17. und 26. April 2024, findet eine geblockte englischsprachige Online-Fortbildung auf Englisch an, darum sind die fiolgenden Infos auf Englisch! Sichere dir jetzt deinen Platz!


Family planning is THE cross-cutting issue of all international cooperation topics and THE lever for poverty reduction. At the same time, family planning is the key to empowering women so that they can lead a self-determined life! That is why we encourage NGOs and experts to pass on knowledge about family planning to their target groups and in their projects.

Currently, between April 17 and 26, 2024, a blocked English-language online training will take place in English. Secure your place now!

THE RAIN WORKERS offers a unique English-language training course for NGOs, interested experts or private individuals, in which basic knowledge and practical relevance are taught with the help of the THE RAIN WORKERS training-materials and TEACHING TOOLS.

Our holistic educational program "Knowledge as an Opportunity", which we have been continuously developing with our African partners for 34 years, forms the basis for teaching about educational work in the fields of sexual & reproductive health and rights AND family planning in the Global South.

We offer a lot of space for the exchange between african partners as well as between experts of the Global South and North of experiences and promote this - because we have learned that together we can face the challenges better, every question or insight is valuable!


Aktuelles und Neues über Menschen und Projekte aus der Welt von THE RAIN WORKERS

Rhythmus: 6-8 Wochen, jederzeit bestell- und abbestellbar. Erzähl es weiter! :-)


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